Would you like to be able to appreciate your body where it’s at? You can make peace with your body, even before you lose weight or change it in any way. Our body perception is how we actually see our physical appearance (direct mental experience). Our body attitude encompasses a broad spectrum of feelings, beliefs, and emotional reactions towards the body and how we value it (much symbolism is contained here).
A woman’s body image is not an issue to be taken lightly. The conflict a woman has with her body goes beyond the superficial diagnosis of egocentricity or narcissism. How a woman views her body has a major impact on how she views herself, how she thinks others see her, and can even interfere with her daily functioning. A preoccupation with appearance goes deeper than the outer image, it can affect the choices you make and goals you pursue. The consequences of having a poor body image can be significant – undermining self-confidence, promoting social isolation, inhibiting sexual expression, and often precipitates chronic dieting that can lead to disordered eating.
You can transform your body image and find peace with who you are.

The Glow Approach can guide you on this journey using a variety of healing exercises including:
- Body Image as a Concrete Representation of Self
- Exploring Self-Identity and Raising Self-Esteem
- Sociocultural Consciousness Raising
- The Experiences that Influence Body Image:
- Family of origin role modeling, peer teasing, developmental history, negative sexual experiences and other body trauma (neglect, physical and sexual abuse).
- Letting Go of Weight and the Purpose It Serves
- Body Image as Communication
- Body Image Perception and Reattribution Training
- Correcting Body Image Distortions
- Body Image Ideal vs. Real
- Guided Imagery
- Physical Activity/Movement